
Cognitive Rehabilitation resources

My Life, My Goals

An alternative to Cognitive Rehabilitation where a trained Practitioner visits you at home, is to use the excellent ‘My Life, My Goals’ self help resource. The My Life, My Goals resource utilises Cognitive Rehabilitation methods and principles. The resource was created by a group of people living with dementia and researchers. The My Life, My Goals resource has links to helpful videos and top tips to help you come up with goals which matter to you to work towards.

Click here to go to the My Life, My Goals resource:

Brain Health resources

Brain HQ: Brain Training That Works

Scientifically based programme of exercises to improve your Brain Health. Use the exercises to improve your attention, brain speed, memory, people skills, navigation, and intelligence. Read the research evidence about how Brain Training can help people with dementia:

Click here to go to the Brain HQ website:

Apollo Health: Programs to Optimise Cognition and Reverse Dementia

Scientifically based programmes to help with preventing and reversing dementia. There are trained GP’s and other Practitioners based in the UK. See the website to read about the latest developments.

Click here to go to the Apollo Health website:

Useful Websites and Social Media

Dementia Related websites

Breath, Body and Mind related websites

Designers of our website



        Partners In Dementia
           41 Campbell Avenue,
           York, YO24 4LA, UK

       Phone: 07932 420726
