Beetle Bank Social Farm Case Study: Peter, Retired Livestock Farmer

Peter’s background

Peter had been a livestock farmer almost his whole life. Farming was a way of life for him and he had not had much time for other occupations or hobbies outside of this. Peter was retired but was still very
knowledgable and interested in farm animals, so a referral to Beetle Bank Social Farm was particularly suited to him because of the traditional farm animals on site. Peter was mildly impaired by dementia.

Attending Beetle Bank Social Farm

Peter quickly settled in the service and bonded with staff and other service users there. He expressed a desire to be involved in the care of the animals at the farm and activities around animal care became a regular feature of the service because of him. For example, we would feed the sheep and cows and other animals as well as muck them out. We would also frequently support the farm owner by helping her with maintenance jobs, also things familiar and meaningful to Peter.

Key Benefits to Peter

  • The animals at Beetle Bank Social Farm are familiar to Peter, enabling meaningful activity and
  • Peter was able to hold onto a status of someone knowledgeable and important.
  • It would have been difficult to find other suitable placements for him since farming was so dominant in his life.


        Partners In Dementia
           41 Campbell Avenue,
           York, YO24 4LA, UK

       Phone: 07932 420726
