Below is feedback from family care partners who were involved in our Breath, Body and Mind pilot project.  The project was run in two locations across York as well as online between February and June 2024. It was generously funded by York Belfrey’s Social Action Grant Programme:


  • 100% of participants thought the exercises could help them in their caring role
  • 100% said that the exercises helped them to feel calmer during the sessions
  • 100% said the exercises helped reduce stress and/or anxiety during the sessions
  • 100% found it useful
  • 100% gave it 9/10 or 10/10 for usefulness
  • 100% would recommend to other care partners
  • 90% felt they were given enough resources to practice at home.
  • 90% said they practiced Breath, Body and Mind exercises at home during the workshop series (the other person made a clear recommendation that having an email reminder would have helped her, so can introduce this in future)
  • Improving delivery: had suggestions like having written information about the why of breathing and also written information about how to do the exercises; also having videos and recordings to follow exercises from week one; having the right venue very important; wanting regular sessions; more funding to help others benefit.
  • 100% want to be kept informed about future opportunities to practice Breath, Body and Mind.
  • 100% want in person opportunities to practice
  • 40% want online opportunities to practice
  • 100% are prepared to pay for future sessions at these amounts: 
    • In person: £12 x 1 person; £10 x 3 person; £7 x 4 people; £5 x 1 person)
    • Online: £5x 3 people)


In relation to their caring role, participants said the exercises helped in the following ways: 

  • “Relieve stress. Improve mood, patience and fears. Help with sleep and relaxation”
  • “It has taught me how helpful being aware of breathing can be in stressful situations” 
  • “There is so much stress due to serious health issues in the house that by taking time away and learning how to relax and become calm really helped back home”
  • “To become more patient and tolerant”
  • “The HA breath is such an easy thing to do when stressed or angry. The coherent [breathing] helps me relax and sleep”
  • “Thanks to Justin he gave me the tools and know how to slow and calm my breathing when things get too much. I loved attending and by week 4 I understood and learnt how to really slow things down within my body and mind fab”.
  • “Taking time for self, help with relaxation at night; sleep poor and slowly breathing really helps”. 
  • “It has given me the means to help me relax, be less anxious and calm myself when there’s difficult moments in my life. Also social connection with other people”. 


In terms of usefulness, participants commented

  • “By focusing your mind on your breathing, it calms and de-stresses”
  • “Certainly felt better and had an awareness of how the body felt different and better from taking part”
  • “I will follow the breathing videos/exercises in the future to stay calmer” 
  • “Good focus for the week. Very calming and relaxing. Helped to reinforce the practice. Chatting with other carers. Meeting other community centre users and attending services at the centre”.
  • “Having the handout to remind me. It would be great to be on a simple mailing list to remember to do the practices- a simple ‘breathe email’”.
  • “A wonderful holistic experience that let me reflect on my self care, as a carer and transform the way I deal with stressful and unsettling situations”.
  • Techniques to calm by using the breath. Time out for self. I feel there are techniques that can be used to relax and reduce stress”. 


In relation to practicing Breath, Body and mind at home, participants said

  • “Having attended the course and learned about breath/body/mind it slowly becomes a natural exercise to do at home”
  • “I tried to make time to fit in two small sessions each day at home. First thing in the morning + before going to sleep”.
  • “Being aware of breathing through nose and also following the online videos”.
  • Not at a set time but used when I had some spare time, especially in the morning and evening”. 
  • “Only a few times. I need reminders (email reminders)”.
  • “After first session my sleep was poor and I noticed my breathing was rapid. Used breathing techniques to slow breath and calm down. I think the sessions helped by self awareness”. 
  • “[I practiced] mainly in the evenings in the garden when I was able to spend some time to myself”.


Other comments

  • “It was extremely beneficial to me”
  • “Helped me with ways of coping in very stressful situations”
  • “It would be beneficial if group could continue on a monthly basis”. 
  • “Regular sessions definitely, loved it!”
  • “Facilitator was great; sessions very organised in a really enabling way; venue was great with access to lovely garden. All good!”. 


        Partners In Dementia
           41 Campbell Avenue,
           York, YO24 4LA, UK

       Phone: 07932 420726
